Dr. Dwivedi Tarunendu, MD
Contact Dr. Dwivedi Tarunendu, MD
Psychiatrist Dwivedi Tarunendu, MD is accepting new patients in his Rock Hill, SC office.
Finding The Right Therapist
The decision to seek treatment with a mental health professional is an important one. Finding the right therapist is key to your success. At our practice, we care for each individual who comes to us for help. We put a priority on your well-being so that you can achieve the very best results for your situation.
Our goal is to make you feel as comfortable as possible at each of your appointments. We’ll treat you with kindness and compassion. Our friendly and helpful staff, as well as Dr. Tarunendu, want to help you achieve your personal goals for mental, emotional, and physical wellness.
Adults, Families, Children & Teens
We offer care for adults, families, children, and adolescents. Call our psychiatry practice for counseling and assistance with issues such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, learning disabilities, physical abuse, and sexual abuse.
Please call our office for insurance details.
Dwivedi Tarunendu, MD
1721 Ebenezer Rd., Ste. 265
Rock Hill, SC 29732
(803) 329-7778
Fax: (803) 329-7843
Appointments required.
Appointments are available 8:30am – 5:00pm
Monday through Thursday.
Visa & MasterCard accepted.